Sadhana Devi Vidyapith School is affiliated to CBSE New Delhi (up to 10 +2 level). It is located at Punjabi Colony, Dharampur Nistama, Samastipur, Bihar. The school was established in year 2000. It is a Co-educational school and offers education in English medium, running under the aegis of Sadhana Devi Memorial Seva Sansthan, Samastipur
Sadhana Devi Vidyapith School has high class quality infrastructure, latest teaching pedagogies, and qualified, trained and motivated staff, Composite Science Lab, Maths Lab, Computer Science Lab, Library, Indoor Games, Music Rooms, Health and Medical Checkup. School has Library facility constituting, Periodicals, Dailies, Reference Books, Magazine, and with about 3000 books.
SDV Mobile App acts as digital diary, with rich communication features and facility to share images and videos. It enables bi-directional communication between students/parents & educators.
Parents & Students benefit from the Sadhana Devi Vidyapith School App as it allows them to:
1. Stay connected with school anywhere, anytime
2. Get all info about institute in one place
3. See info for more than one child in same app
4. Send leave requests and special requests to institute
5. Get information about academics on the app
Key features of the app include:
1. Multimedia Messaging
2. Coursework
3. Attendance notifications
4. Academics information
5. Club/Houses information
6. Newsletter
7. Time Table
8. Settings section to change password etc.